Monday, 1 October 2018

Change Port in XenDesktop

The FMA services XenDesktop 7.x use port 80 for communication by default. If necessary, this port can be changed. Since XenDesktop 5.x release XML functionality is being included as part of the Broker Service, The port change for services can now be achieved by using the BrokerService.exe command as shown in the following section.

Open Command Prompt and navigate to the XenDesktop directory C:\Program Files\Citrix\Broker\Service. You must run Command Prompt with administrative privileges. (Right-click cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator if you are not logged in as the user with administrator rights on the server). If you do not run Command Prompt with Administrative level rights, an error might occur when trying to run the following commands.

To perform the change BrokerService.exe will be used. To see available options enter BrokerService.exe /? as listed below:

Enter BrokerService.exe /Show to display the currently used ports.

To change the WCF port, type BrokerService.exe -VdaPort <port>, as displayed below:

To change the XML port type: BrokerService.exe -wiport <port> and press Enter. Note: This change only alters communications between Web Interface or the StoreFront, and the XenDesktop Controller – it does not change the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Registration port used by Virtual Desktop Agents.

The CitrixBrokerService stops and then starts to complete the change

Note: When appending the –ConfigureFirewall parameter, appropriate exceptions will be added to the Windows Firewall configuration.

Note: This change must be performed on each controller within the XenDesktop 7.x site. Citrix strongly recommends you to configure all controllers within the XenDesktop site equally.

Similarly, you can use the same procedure for the other FMA services, such as :

BrokerService.exe -VdaPort 8081 -WCFPort 8081 -WIPort 8081 -ConfigureFirewall
Citrix.ADIdentity.exe –SdkPort 8081 –KeyPort 8081 –SvcPort 8081 -ConfigureFirewall
Citrix.Configuration.exe –SdkPort 8081 –SvcPort 8081 –ConfigureFirewall
Citrix.ConfigurationLogging.exe –SdkPort 8081 –SvcPort 8081 –ConfigureFirewall
Citrix.DelegatedAdmin.exe –SdkPort 8081 –SvcPort 8081 –ConfigureFirewall
Citrix.EnvTest.exe –SdkPort 8081 –SvcPort 8081 –ConfigureFirewall
Citrix.Host.exe –SdkPort 8081 –KeyPort 8081 –SvcPort 8081 –ConfigureFirewall
Citrix.MachineCreation.exe –SdkPort 8081 –SvcPort 8081 –ConfigureFirewall
Citrix.Monitor.exe –SdkPort 8081 –SvcPort 8081 -ODataPort 8081 –ConfigureFirewall
Citrix.Storefront.exe –SdkPort 8081 –SvcPort 8081 –ConfigureFirewall

Note: Opening XenDesktop Studio after port modification, the Studio enquires for the delivery controller address which must be specified, including the new port <MyDeliveryController>:<port >“.
This is the same address for PowerShell but with the parameter “-AdminAddress <MyDeliveryController>:<port>“, the port has to be specified additionally.

FlexCast Management Architecture (FMA)- Features

XenApp and XenDesktop share a unified architecture called FlexCast Management Architecture (FMA). FMA’s key features are the ability to run multiple versions of XenApp or XenDesktop from a single Site and integrated provisioning.

FMA key components:

A typical XenApp or XenDesktop environment consists of a few key technology components, which interact when users connect to applications and desktops, and log data about Site activity.

v  Broker Service – a Delivery Controller service that tracks which users are logged in and where, what session resources the users have, and if users need to reconnect to existing applications. The Broker Service executes PowerShell and communicates with the Broker agent over TCP port 80. It does not have the option to use TCP port 443.

v  Broker agent – an agent that hosts multiple plugins and collects real-time data. The Broker agent is located on the VDA and is connected to the Controller by TCP port 80. It does not have the option to use TCP port 443.

v  Delivery Controller – the central management component of a XenApp or XenDesktop Site that consists of services that manage resources, applications, and desktops; and optimize and balance the loads of user connections.

v  Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) – an agent that is installed on machines running Windows Server or Windows desktop operating systems that allows these machines and the resources they host to be made available to users. The VDA-installed machines running Windows Server OS allow the machine to host multiple connections for multiple users and are connected to users on

   one of the following ports:

v  TCP port 80 or port 443 if SSL is enabled
v  TCP port 2598, if Citrix Gateway Protocol (CGP) is enabled, which enables session reliability
v  TCP port 1494 if CGP is disabled or if the user is connecting with a legacy client

v  Citrix Receiver – a software client that is installed on the user device, supplies the connection to the virtual machine via TCP port 80 or 443, and communicates with StoreFront using the StoreFront Service API.

v  StoreFront – the interface that authenticates users, manages applications and desktops, and hosts the application store. StoreFront communicates with the Delivery Controller using XML.

v  Monitor Service – a Delivery Controller component that collects historical data and puts it in the Site database by default. The Monitor Service communicates on TCP port 80 or 443.

v  ICA File/Stack – bundled user information that is required to connect to the VDA.

v  Site Database – a Microsoft SQL database that stores data for the Delivery Controller, such as site policies, machine catalogs, and delivery groups.

v  NetScaler Gateway – a data-access solution that provides secure access inside or outside the LAN’s firewall with additional credentials.

v  Director – a web-based tool that allows administers access to real-time data from the Broker agent, historical data from the Site database, and HDX data from NetScaler for troubleshooting and support. Director communicates with the Controller on TCP port 80 or 443.

v  Studio – a management console that allows administers to configure and manage Sites and gives access to real-time data from the Broker agent. Studio communicates with the Controller on TCP port 80.

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